Friday, June 20, 2008


Oh my.

Summer. It feels as though I am busier than I ever. Work, sickness, goat cheese, graduation parties, planning for travel, and moving out... One more thing and I just might fall over.

Last night I was driving home from work with the windows down and I noticed the smell of the corn growing at the end of our road. It is a few brave feet high now, and smells perfect... I love that sunny, cool, green growing corn smell.

In a very short time I will migrate up north where I will be able to relax at my grandparents house, my second home, and eat inordinate amounts of Ohio sweet corn.

It is more difficult, though, the more divided up you have made your heart. My heart is in that place, that house in Ohio. It is with my northern relatives, I do miss them so. But my heart is here too, in this place with my family and the people I have adopted into my heart. And I think my heart is already at my new college too. I love it there already, with it's beautiful white-columned buildings and winding walkways... It is hard, yes. But I don't see an alternative.

Oh my. I must go. But I will be back.


Bruce Johnson said...

The heart is everywhere where we have learned, grown and been loved. It can't exist in just one place.

Anonymous said...

Nice Lotus...
now I don't want to leave a comment...I think you've said it just fine!

Aunt Deeda