So, I am home. My world feels chaotic. I have no where to put my stuff, so it sits in piles waiting to be sorted and put away... somewhere. I don't know where anything is, it's all in boxes. The washing machine is broken (you don't even want to know how much dirty laundry I brought home, not realizing this fact). I also can't use my car at the moment because my dad's is broken. My boyfriend is still in Greensboro until next week. My friends have scattered all over the U.S. and I'm still waiting for the old ones to migrate back here. To top it all, I have a VERY long list of doctor's appointments to make (erg).
On the other hand, the family seems as happy to see me and I am to see them (and I am very happy to see them, it's true). I also had time to take a guilt-free nap and to finally re-paint my toenails yesterday. And, in about a week's time I will be headed to the beach. For that, I am grateful.
I managed to come out my sophomore year with all A's.
Things making me happy:
A.R. Rahman:
Making new playlists.
Planning my summer reading, which will include Jhumpa Lahiri, Carlos Ruiz Zafon, and hopefully some David Foster Wallace.