The rain has returned. March refuses to leave us without another good dousing... The gloom has been hovering for three days, a mix of fog, rain, and mud. Things started out very chilly; the rain came with a sudden drop in temperature that made things even gloomier.
But I like the gloom sometimes. And yesterday I felt the chill start to melt a little. The air is softening up, making the rain less wintry, and more like spring. I do think there is something very romantic about a gentle spring rain, I said to my friend yesterday as we walked across campus. She didn't reply because she was too busy warning me about the goose poop I was about to step in. We then spent the next few minutes discussing the sudden abundance of goose poop that appears when it rains.
Such is life I suppose.
Now I have a weekend in front of me that (for once) does not include a paralyzing amount of homework. I don't understand how or why, but I may have more than the usual amount of free time this weekend. I have no idea what to do with myself. It's very unnerving. All the time my worries about the future and how fast this semester is going by lingers somewhere on the edge of my thoughts. I can't ever seem to reconcile myself to those two things. Which, I now realize, explains why I insist on writing about it all the time. I think that I have a vague hope that by writing about my anxieties I will someday write myself into a kind of peaceful understanding or acceptance... We'll see if that turns out to be a pipe dream or not.
you can't prevent the birds from pooping on your head. But you can prevent them from nesting in your hair. mom
College memories of goose poop and unexpected free time......dreams are made of these.....sort of.
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