Thursday, October 2, 2008


I think I can safely declare that the autumnal chill in the air has truly set in. It feels good. I love fall, I really do. I takes me by surprise every year. Then again, so does spring. I suppose the changing of the season is something that wakes you up a bit, makes you pay attention.
Other things I love:

My professors. Today I got an assignment back with the comment, "You rock like a very rocking thing." That made me laugh.

My guitar. I'm really no good, but when I sit by myself and play, I start to breathe differently, deeper, more relaxed. I need that.

Capoeira. Probably one of the most pretty martial arts around. Hopefully I'll be able to learn enough so that I look nice doing it too.

Being an English major. Seriously. I love it. Even when it's really, really hard. I am realizing that in includes all the things I love: reading, writing, AND arguing.

I'm pushing myself further than I ever have before. Yet, somehow, every time I think I can't go on, I manage. Perhaps it turns out that I am more capable than I thought. Often, a reprieve is granted. So. Life goes on.

(I still can't wait for fall break!)

1 comment:

Bruce Johnson said...

I love fall as well, mostly for the fact that we can turn off the A/C. Cha-ching, less money to the power company means more money for us.