Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Oink, oink?

So. Here I am. In bed. Again.

Remember my last post? Happy, positive, energetic? Well, just put that on hold and revive it next week.

I have swine flu. Maybe. I have the flu, that's for certain. I spent two hours at urgent care Monday night with a high fever. Only, for young, hale and healthy college students like me, they don't test for the H1N1 virus. They just give you TamiFlu and tell you to avoid contact with the outside world for a few days.

So, here I am. An invalid, lounging in my room waiting for my body to stop disagreeing with me.

Yesterday I spent the day in a stupor. Mostly I slept. Today I feel well enough to at least pick up a book (hello class readings!). I might even have the energy to work on my application essay for London. (For the benefit of my Chicago Ant: I am applying for a semester-long study abroad program in London next semester. If I get in, I will be living in Kensington, taking classes though FIE, and I'll have an internship the second half of the semester. I intend to take a course in Shakespeare, and I do hope that I'll be able to go see my ancestral lands. You and Grasshopper and who ever else wants to come should visit me there so we can all go together.)

I have plans for productivity. So far, though, I've been knitting and watching Anthony Bourdain.

I think getting sick was partially the universe telling me to lighten up a little. I know what I said in my last post. But my battle with perfectionism is a one step forward, two steps back kind of thing. I really managed to string myself out over the weekend. Getting sick always reminds me that everything will be okay, even if I'm forced to drop a ball here and there from the juggling act. I just wish I could hold onto that better (or maybe find an easier way to be reminded).

I'd just like to say that, even though I hate being sick, there are some perks. One is that lying in my room all day with the window open (bless you, mother nature, for cooling things off this week) has led to me to discover the joys of open-window eavesdropping. I may be on the top floor, but I can hear with perfect clarity all that is said below my window. It is very entertaining. Invisible boy below my window: I don't know who you are or what you look like. But I heard you bragging to your friend about how you had sex in the bathroom on the second floor of the telecommunications building at three in the morning. I'm not impressed.

That is all for now, faithful (or not-so-faithful) readers. More later.


Anonymous said...

Oh my dear Ivy - the chicago ant (aka school nurse) wishes she could fly to your aid and be Florence Nightingale (ahem...same birthday) and with her lighted lamp care for you. She even wishes she could accompany you to Kensington to make sure there is no relapse. Her "sunny and positive thought" is that you are getting the H1N1 (proper nurse terminology) out of the way! You will be so healthy for your adventure. She will be checking in.....

(((hugs to Ivy)))

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm - evesdropping from an upstairs window - could bring new insight into Emily Dickenson's poetry.

chicago ant....

Ivy said...

You know, being sick reminded me how much I love being introverted. I feel quite refreshed after spending the day alone in my room. I think I might try and start channeling a little Emily Dickinson here and there. Sometimes the "college scene" is just a bit too much for me.

Maybe if I did channel Dickinson, my poetry would get better too.

Bruce Johnson said...

Hey, I think that was me bragging below your window......

Anonymous said...

Haha, people will talk about anything. Sometimes when I take a nap in my dorm and leave my window open, I hear all kinds of things that like to make it's way into my dreams... odd, but true. And I'm so sorry you got the swine flu! I had it as well, and it wasn't at all exciting. Not to mention that I got super behind in my textbook readings. Stay beautiful! And healthy.
