Wednesday, November 7, 2007


Every day is a challenge this week. That's okay. There are days when you just scrape by. Not every day can be a party. Today was a stay-at-home day, so I has lots of time for thinking. I've been thinking, and listening to this song:

I don't want to wonder
If this is a blunder

I don't want to worry whether

We're GOING TO stay together

'Till we die

I don't want to jump in

Unless this music's thumping

All the dishes rattle in the cupboards

When the elephants arrive

I want to love you madly
I want to love you now

I want to love you madly, way

I want to love you, love you

Love you madly


I wanted to love you madly. Why didn't you let me? I wonder.
But it's too late for that now. I think you may have missed your chance with me, boy. Now I am waiting for some other mad love.

People are funny. Some of them leave me feeling let down. Others leave me in wonder and joy for the care they show me. I have lots of love already, it's true.

I am tired. BUT today I managed to reach 10,000 words of my novel. 10,000 words of sweet fiction, born of my sheer stubbornness not to lose NaNoWriMo. I've tried it twice, and won it twice. I will not fail now. Not even if I am sick, and tired, stressed, and car-less. (The last one, actually, might help with getting a novel written. Anyway.) Now I'm only about 1500 words behind. That's nothing. I think the endeavor has turned out therapeutic in many ways.

What is coming tomorrow? I don't want to know. I suppose that's just as well, because nobody knows really.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

i meant to leave THIS comment yesterday but my computer froze up. so:


And now, today's comment!

good for you for getting back on your feet! life really is good, despite stupid boys (i have my own recent saga. it probably isn't quite as dramatic as yours probably is, but i think plenty of vengeful and dramatic thoughts to make up the difference. we should gmailchat sometime soon).

love, sarah