Sunday, November 11, 2007

An Insightful Conversation

This morning, something was admitted to me by a young man of my acquaintance...

Josh: "Hey, Ivy, you know how I always flirt with Steva and never with you? Well, here's why: It's just that I know your intelligence level is, like, this much higher than mine-"
(He measures out a tall difference with his hands.)
"So, I know that if I try and hit on you, you'll just make some joke that will go right over my head and I'll be lost. Plus, you're a black belt and all..."

Me: "Are you saying that you're intimidated by me, Josh?"

Josh: "Yes, I am. You scare me."

I suppose all that reading/debate/Tae Kwon Do had some unintended consequences.
I wonder if he's not the only one...

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