Saturday, May 10, 2008


I am free.
Well, from some things. For a time. Right now all that matters is that finals are over, and everything else can wait a while... today, I spent hours doing almost nothing. It was the most blissful thing I can imagine.

My brain decided to check out for a while. It flew away for some down time after all I've put it through recently. Which means that this post ends here:

There is no remedy for love but to love more.
-Henry David Thoreau

More later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

dear beautiful, savor it. savor every blessed second of relief. unfettered whole complete. it is the only thing that makes the ratrace doable. it ends. and you are in the holy all the things you love love love.....and tell us tales of some of them. congratulations. a friend who loves the endings too....