Monday, July 14, 2008

Mid-Travel Musings

Exhaustion is clouding my thoughts tonight (same as many of the past few nights), and I don't precisely know what I want to say. Only that the itch to write (which has been building over the past few days) has come over me, and will not be denied.

I am in Chicago. Again. It is very beautiful here, and there is so much to see and hear and feel. Once again the thought has passed through my brain that I might like to move here some day, just to get to know the city a little better. I have only been allowed snippets so far, but I love them. I grew up so far from the city that everything here fascinates me; the buildings, the cars, the people. The landscape pulses. Life in a house surrounded by woods and fields has a quiet richness that I will always love, but I am beguiled here.

I do love to travel. I love the newness of each thing, the unfamiliarity of a place, fresh experiences. I love being able to see family that I am so far away from most of the year. I will admit, however, that on a tired night I start to yearn for home. My bed, my roads, my places, my family, my sweetie. I feel the absence of these things more acutely the older I get. Yet in a few short weeks I must move and make a new place mine. I will have a new bed, new roads, new places. Fortunately I get to keep my people, even though I'll be adding new ones. At the moment college both excites and terrifies me, which is as it should be, I suppose. I got my room assignment today, and the name of my future roommate. Now that I finally have a name, I wonder what she is like. Does she have siblings? Is the the oldest? Youngest? Middle? What food does she hate? What does she love? What is her major? Will she be funny/kind/ambitious/sweet/annoying/thoughtful/gregarious/shy/silly/serious/crazy/wonderful...?

And I wonder if she is wondering the same things about me.

But all that comes later. Right now I think it is time to close my eyes, even though my fingers want to keep moving. I am very happy, and very tired, and I miss my home, and I love Chicago. 
Tomorrow I meet BAM!


Bruce Johnson said...

Life at the beginning of new and unknown journey is a wonderful thing. There is nothing but possibilities ahead and you will be tested. That is what I call living.

Ivy said...

thanks, lotus... that actually makes me feel a little bolder. you always put my rambles into a nice perspective!

Anonymous said...

oh my goodness, before i get to the fact that i just almost missed the last line and gulped when i spotted it, i must say that i love the line up above about "my bed, my roads, my places...." i love that notion that even a bend in the road belongs to us, it is ours if we travel it often enough. we know it. our trunks and our insides know how to lean into it, before it comes even. there is so much about home that belongs to us, that breathes into us....this posting is beautiful. and for the one after that, although before in the sequence now, know that as you tick toward your new world, and all it will bring and demand, some of your far far away friends are holding you up as much as the ones who get to be right by your side. i remember the move from home to college. it was huge. but you have your wings already. godspeed.......and by the way, for the record, the magical lunch we shared---goatcheese, roast veggie samwiches, garden all around--was just about as heavenly as any lunch could ever be. for the souls brought to the table, more than all the sumptuous picnic feastings.....indeed.