Friday, January 11, 2008

A Bang and a Whimper

So begins the semester. I am once again to be found stalking the community college campus, with it's hallways that smell of linoleum. I have manged to endure the awkwardness of the first day of class, when you walk in and no one knows each other, no one speaks, and you know everyone is staring at you as you try to choose a seat. Are you the kind of student who sits in the back or the front? Everyone is evaluating everyone else, and I am no exception. I like to check out everyone who is in the class too. Then there are the teachers. Are they friendly? Tough? Funny? Is this class going to be a pain, or really interesting? I do like all my teachers, and I am grateful for that. A good teacher can make or break a class...

I went through this process with Spanish, Statistics, World Civilizations One, and Literature-Based Research. I think it's going to be a good semester. I'm tired, and quite possibly coming down with the cold that's been traveling around my family, but it hasn't been quite enough to dampen my beginning-of-the-semester excitement. Once again, there isn't anything I'd rather be right now than a student.

With that said, I'm also already just slightly overwhelmed. But I'll manage. I have my organizer, my brain, and my friends/family (those two make up a really excellent support system, I tell 'ya... For when the brain goes on the fritz).


Anonymous said...

ew. i'm in stats too this quarter.

good luck to us!

ps. i'll email you soon, i've been a terrible slob about the internet lately.

Bruce Johnson said...

Years of experience have taught me to always sit at the front of the class. I used to be a back room wall flower, but realized that sitting in the front of the class does two things. It makes you more attentive, you can dose off and you give the air of assertiveness to the instructor that says you are a go-getter whether you are or not. You just tend to force yourself to get better grades when you sit up there.