Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Disclaimer: Pathetic, Self-Indulgent Moaning Ahead...

Beginnings are always difficult, I think. Either that, or January as a month just sucks no matter how hopeful and optimistic you are going into it... Or is the hopeful expectation itself the problem? All I know is that this week has been killer, a triple or maybe quadruple whammy. A week of sickness, and no one who will sit next to you (except the slightly odd fellow who you are trying not to be judgmental about, because you don't want to be mean and stuck-up even though you really are), and teachers who ask good questions, only your brain freezes and your throat closes up because it's a lot to be in this place with all these new people... It was a week when the checking account threatened to dip below ten measly dollars, and you run away down a dead-end hallway and only end up making an idiot of yourself. Then you spill coffee on your lap, and then you get in the car and cry because even though he drove you crazy, you still miss him.

And it's only Wednesday.

I wasn't dating Nick Rhodes, I wasn't dating Rodger Tyler,
I wasn't dating John Tyler I wasn't dating Andy Tyler,
I wasn't dating Simon Le Bon.
I was sitting by myself with my collar up,
A tear in my eye and an aching in my heart.

And my converse on.
My converse on.

-The Moldy Peaches

Update: It's snowing. Here. Amazing. This storm may the beautiful reprieve I am wishing for. Pleeeeease let school close tomorrow...


greer said...

*sigh* no such luck dahling. i feel your pain.

Bruce Johnson said...

I agree, so far, your week sucks more than mine does.