Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Last night I saw Paul Krugman speak. Awesome dude, depressing topic. I don't want to hide from reality, but the assertion that the unemployment rate probably won't even start going back down until well after I graduate was a little frightening.

Such is life, I suppose. Catastrophe is always more possible than we like to think. The recent recession being an excellent example.

On the other hand, my adviser (and mentor) told me today that it was quite possible for me to go out and just invent field to work in, to make myself a job. She said she's seen it happen. I love her for her mix of pragmatism and optimism. It's a balance I'd like to strike myself.

One good thought about the future: today I earnestly started to consider pursuing editorship at the paper next year.

In the meantime, it's hard to keep thinking about things like that when I have SO much to do. I've hardly had time to breathe the past few days. I am working very, very hard to stay centered and calm. The thing that keeps me going is the fact that I really do love what I'm doing. I know it's right for me.

It's tough not to let people throw you off balance. Even the people who love you, (and the people you love) will do careless things now and then. I am trying to focus on things are a part of me. My writing, my pots, my books... I am starting to realize that I need to give some weight to lessons about relationships, just as I do my academics.

I think my biggest goal right now is to be the kind of person (someday) who knows, deep down, what is really important in life, and what is worth letting go of.

1 comment:

Bruce Johnson said...

Sometimes, the truth is depressing. The truth about the economy, is that it probably won't ever come 'back'. It will get better eventually, but then it will take another nose dive due to greed or world-geo-political forces. Times have changed, we aren't insulated anymore. So you are correct, in your realization, that sometimes we just have to let go of things and focus on the positive (what little of it there may be).