Saturday, September 22, 2007

Just Listen To The Music

In real life, I assure you, there is no such thing as algebra.
- Fran Lebowitz

There are imaginary numbers. Can you imagine? As if real ones aren't troublesome enough. Words are tricky tonight, which is bad when one is trying to finish an English paper. But I do love the life of a student. I wouldn't have things any other way.

BUT one thing I would change is the weather. Why does it have to get hot again after is was so tantalizingly cool? It makes the heat seem that much more oppressive. It's all right when you can't remember what it feels like without 90% humidity level, but this is just torture.

I don't know if I've simply worn my body out, or if my campaign of germophobe-like hand-santizing behavior has been ineffective, or if it's the rapid temperature changes, but my sinuses are definitely not well.

But hooray for new shoes and finding the perfect birthday present for my brother.

Music is excellent for injecting a false sense of alertness. Current selection: Ice Cream (Metal on Metal Remix), by the New Young Pony Club. Hooray too for free music downloads (totally legit, I swear).

Oy vey. Please let me make it through.

1 comment:

Anna said...

I laughed.