Wednesday, September 12, 2007

I Am Not In Charge

My brain won't focus. I had a the kind of day that leaves you with a happy, but spinning brain. Memories from earlier keep popping into my head. This happened and that happened, this person said that.
Then my brain analyzes everything: that was good, will it happen again? Was that too embarrassing, or should I not worry about it? What should I think about this? And then it skips to my mental "to do" list. Homework, laundry, don't forget to call so-and-so, and don't forget to return that DVD to the video rental again, because it's probably overdue by now.
Then my brain moves forward in time and speculates. It projects and fantasizes. Will that go well? What will happen with this person here? What if? What if.
I wish I had better control over my mind. It leaps from one thing to the next and back. Right now is shuffling from one thing to the next, like a poorly trained dog sniffing out all kinds of fascinating scents. All the while the owner is dragged along while pulling ineffectively on the leash.
Homework is rendered very difficult by all this.


Anonymous said...

New site!!! Well I do love your new name and look forward to the time when we can hang out in Venice!! Still a favorite place for my family.....some great pictures to share but I somehow need your email to do so...hang in there...and enjoy the beats understimulation....but then I chose to live in chicago!
chicago ant

Abby said...

Yay, good switch. Linking you promptly...

Anonymous said...

*sigh* I understand. I do.

IVy, why did we NEVER hang out? Gosh. We're like... kindreds.