Our lives are fluid: this is something my aunt told me once, and I can see how true it is. Last post I think I came close to it, but never really said it. The forces and currents that move us are not only the ones that belong to the present. The future exerts a powerful hold over us, and certainly me. It is what I act toward, what I can still dream about. It influences so much, yet changes so constantly. My personal road-map has fluctuated many, many times. Although, it still retains the basic essentials. College, for example. But where? And to do what?
The past, though, is inescapable. It shades and informs everything with experience. I have very little experience as of yet. Lots of future, slightly less past. The present is perhaps the hardest to get to, to understand. As soon as I think about it, it's gone... It's that fine line between the first two. But the present is when things actually happen, that is where life is lived. Or is it?
At this point things have gotten to philosophical for me, so my line of thought will stop there. Perhaps I've been thinking of it because I've been paying far more attention to the past and future than the present lately. Fridays are blessed days, however. Today was a day spent in the present, and it was good. Beautiful, in fact.
This time of your life, and college in particular are not things to dwell on. They are a molding period where your thought become focused and you experience all the deluge of feelings, doubts and worries that are running through your veins. In retrospect, you will look back on this time in your life an realized that you learned little, but experienced much. That is what it is for, so just revel in it.
be my friend!
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